Sunday, 31 May 2015

Only an epic battle to shape its future can save Labour

As well they might, the Mail and Telegraph are getting rather excited about Yvette Cooper’s statements today, chiefly that Labour has to articulate a vision for the future, not end up “swallowing the Tory manifesto or looking back to our past.”
It’s believed the reference to the past was a swipe at Andy Burnham, whilst reference to the Tory manifesto is a dig at Liz Kendall, though Ms Cooper didn’t actually say this at all.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Mayor Galloway? Perish the thought

Few political figures can be more revolting than George Galloway.
The former Bradford MP today announced he would stand for Mayor of London 2016, a frightening prospect indeed. Fortunately, it is a prospect that’s as improbable as terrifying.

The Long Road Back for Rome: where next for the Catholic church in the West?

When I think about Ireland, I cannot separate that from thoughts of the Catholic church, a church which, though far from perfect, I love dearly.
I don’t often find, in that most Catholic of countries, more in-depth theological knowledge than that of Catholics elsewhere, or even full agreement with everything the church says and teaches, but a Catholicism routed in everyday lives, with religious references peppering many a conversation.
It’s ingrained, deep in the Irish consciousness. Or is it?