Monday, 29 June 2015

Greece and the folly of the EU

The Greek crisis shines the clearest spotlight yet on how utterly economically unwise this European Union can be.

The thank you note that made my day

I was touched this morning when, through my letter box, arrived an envelope addressed to me, in what my mother described as “beautiful hand writing.” Inside was a note, in the same equally neat writing, expressing thanks for a donation I had made back in April to a locally-based charity.

Friday, 26 June 2015

A victory for gay marriage, but this was no victory for democratic politics

President Obama today said that the ruling of the US Supreme Court which asserts gay marriage as a right under the constitution, therefore legalising it throughout America was “a victory.” A victory for who, exactly?

Thursday, 25 June 2015

The Queen spoke of friendship, not politics

It gets my back up when people have a go at the Queen. I’m not out for republicans, only those who can’t show this lady some respect whilst the institution she represents continues to exist.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Left and the politics of anger

To a Tory crank like me, left-wing politics is a confusing business. Most of my friends and acquaintances, thoroughly decent people indeed, hold left-wing views, but much as I’ve tried, asking questions and carefully listening to the replies, I just don’t get it.

Friday, 19 June 2015

An Islamic awakening: British Muslims take the fight to the extremists

David Cameron has made a controversial speech this afternoon, suggesting that elements of the Muslim community quietly condone Islamic State, the barbaric terrorist organisation that is becoming a global force, as it fights to control territory in the Middle East and attracts fighters from across the world, including this week 3 sisters from Bradford, who fled to Syria with their 9 children, leaving behind their devastated husbands.

Farage's kingdom is falling apart, it's time he abdicated.

If those wishing for a British exit from the EU want to front a decent campaign, they’d better get their act together. Leave it to Nigel Farage, and it’ll be an absolute disaster. Why?

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Death: the great taboo

When I read the news on 4 June, I had a strange sense of déjà vu.
Now I know these things happen sometimes, but this sense wasn’t a mere figment of the imagination with all its irrational peculiarities and vagaries. “Will you die in the next 5 years?” The headlines challenged.

Friday, 12 June 2015

We deserve better than this farce of a contest

It’s been a funny old week at West Minster. It began with David Cameron apparently issuing a clear warning to his ministers: back me on the EU, or face the sack.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Yes, alcoholism is a disease, and this debate is pointless

Its depressing predictability in no way reduced the sadness of the news, which emerged at the end of last week, that Charles Kennedy’s untimely death was clearly linked to his on-going struggle with alcoholism.

Friday, 5 June 2015

We are all to blame for Britain's fat kids

I have a little sympathy for 34 year-old unemployed mother Liz Thomson, who has written to the health secretary requesting government support to send her overweight daughter to a 5-week fat camp, at a cost of £4,250, which she cannot afford.