Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Forget DAB: the future of radio is on-line

This week, as debates start about how the BBC starts to live more within its means, discussion returned to the subject of digital radio (DAB), and its potential to replace FM. Some years ago, people thought this would happen by 2010, and DAB would be the standard mechanism through which Britain would listen to the radio. It could even replace FM altogether.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Analysis of Labour leadership debate: a hopeless horror show

On Sunday, the BBC gave the 4 Labour leadership hopefuls the opportunity to compete in a televised debate on Sunday Politics. My view: it’s looking really bleak for Labour.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

No decent Tory should play their part in the ruin of Labour

It started as a bit of a joke. It was a hyped but misplaced story planted by a few mischief-makers, but now the Telegraph has published a step by step guide on how to sabotage the Labour party by registering as a supporter, paying a mere £3 and returning a vote for socialist firebrand Jeremy Corbyn.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

So complete is our moral collapse that we now have an app for consent

The smart phone has well and truly colonised the dating game. First it was apps like Plenty of Fish, which brought long-standing websites on to the mobile platform.
Then, it was Tinder, the app that lets you decide whether you like or dislike some-one based only on a photo (a fine basis for an introduction). Its developers boldly claim: “It’s like real life, but better.” I certainly hope that’s not true.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Why might Atticus Finch be a racist?

IT is a literary classic, taught to generations of children as a powerful testament to the consequences of bigotry and hatred. But have we got To Kill a Mockingbird all wrong for all these years?

I'm a Christian who welcomes more Sunday trading, and so should the church

Everyone’s been making a lot of fuss this week about Sunday trading. Since Sunday is the day of rest, and I’m going out, I’m writing about it on Saturday, okay?

Friday, 10 July 2015

The Greek pantomime is now truly unbelievable

Here’s the thing they don’t tell you about referendums. When you vote in a referendum, you don’t get a change of government. What that means is this:

Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Tories must now hound out the hunting issue

Amid the flurry of excitement that accompanied the budget, yesterday, the announcement by the government of a free vote on changes to the hunting laws got little attention.
This is, perhaps, because people wearily remember 10 years back to the weeks and weeks of parliamentary time this took up. It even resulted in the invocation of the Parliament Act, so controversial it proved.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

My memories of 7/7

It is often said that one always remembers what one was doing when something big happens. It’s true. People even now can vividly recall the events of President Kennedy’s assassination.
Though only 7 years of age, I can remember in great detail the day of Princess Diana’s untimely death. The same is true of the terrorist attack 10 years to this day.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Childless by choice: please, stop judging us

Originally written for Dear Cupid – the free advice site.

This morning, as usual, I was perusing the questions on Dear Cupid, when I stumbled across a question from a woman regarding her feelings about not wanting a child. Although I gave a comprehensive answer to the question, it touched a nerve with me, sufficient to make me write my thoughts down in an article.

Greece must leave the Euro. Please, stop this nonsense now

So, the results are in. Surprise surprise, the same Greek populace that elected the left-wing Syriza party, has voted decisively to reject the EU bailout, with some 61% voting no in yesterday’s referendum.
Athens yesterday was the scene of jubilant celebrations, and citizen after citizen rushed to tell a fascinated media that they had voted for such things as ‘standing up’ and ‘freedom.’

Friday, 3 July 2015

Russell Brand misses the point, but on the minute of silence he is on to something

Anarchist sewer mouth Russell Brand has hit out against today’s minute of silence in remembrance of those who perished in the dreadful Tunisian beach massacre last week. In a video on his YouTube channel, he describes it as an “empty gesture,” and “bullshit.” I think he is missing the point, but he might be on to something.