Thursday, 30 January 2020

Attacking our top universities for being elitist solves absolutely nothing

I do not usually speak or write about my days as a student at Cambridge university. For one thing, it all feels like a lifetime ago.
For another, I’m not likely to be the one who brings it up in conversation. People’s reactions to it make me feel awkward.
But there is a third reason: attendance at a top university is, perversely, becoming an increasingly maligned achievement, with the fine universities of Oxford and Cambridge, together with London’s finest universities and a handful of other Russell Group names frequently being blasted for elitism. Oxbridge gets it worst of all.

Friday, 17 January 2020

Your 1950s housewife will not thank you for her hash tag

BBC News today featured a short film about the #TradWives movement: ‘Submitting to my husband like it's 1959': Why I became a #TradWife.’
The film features an extraordinarily tedious woman named Alena Kate Pettitt, who crows dreamily on about her life as a housewife, looking back with nostalgic fondness to a traditional England that once was, and explaining how, having grown up with a single mother herself, she rebelled and wanted a man to take care of her and to live as a housewife.