Monday, 16 March 2020

Adding Pronouns In Communication: what it is and why I don't do it

Written for LinkedIn: view the original here.

 The trend of adding preferred pronouns to one’s name in communications seems to be growing. At the moment, it hasn’t exploded, so you may well not know what on earth I’m talking about. But don’t be surprised if you come across it eventually. Perhaps a LinkedIn connection will have done it, or you’ll spot it in an email signature. Mine would be Aidan Kiely (he/his/him).

Friday, 6 March 2020

5 reasons why managers dislike staff working from home – and how to get over them

Written for LinkedIn: view the original here.

 As Coronavirus planning invariably ramps up across the business landscape, we will hear a lot about allowing staff to work from home. This is a topic that in my experience, divides opinion with as much ferocity as the scone/scon debate, or cream versus jam first.