Monday, 29 November 2021

Advent Reflection: hope in fearful times

This reflection for the first week of Advent will invite you to consider 3 important questions: In what do I hope? On what do I depend? What do I love most?

Monday, 22 November 2021

It’s those who seek to defer gratification, not the cheery November Noel brigade, who really understand this season’s meaning and significance

“Have you put your Christmas decs up yet?” The question shouldn’t be a serious one in the middle of November. Sure, we’re used to shops shoving Christmas in our faces from about the start of September onwards, the commercial rationale for which is well understood. But large numbers of people this year, seem to have decided that Christmas started as soon as Halloween was over, and if you’re one of those who think Christmas decorations are the preserve of December, you’re a misery.