Saturday, 29 February 2020

Why I haven't written about politics for a while

If there is such thing as a seasoned reader to my blog, they will have noticed that I haven’t written about politics for a long time.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The office characters we all know and love – which are you?

Written for LinkedIn: view the original here.

 I’ve met quite a few people in my life who tell me with unshakable conviction that “I could never work in an office!” Why ever not? I find myself wondering.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Interview Survival Guide: top tips for introverts

Written for LinkedIn: view the original here.

 Interviews might look at first glance like a bit of a nightmare for introverts.

Poem: To Simba with love

To Simba with love.

So many years it’s been since you stole my heart,
Picked us, your chosen, your set apart,
The ones in whom you placed your hope,
For a brighter brand-new start.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Interview Survival Guide: top tips for extroverts

Written for LinkedIn: view the original here.

You might think that an extrovert would feel a lot more at home in an interview setting. The caricature of the sociable, talkative soul who is energised and enthused by interaction with others, might at first seem the perfect fit in a situation where, as we are constantly reminded, you have to sell yourself. But not so fast!