The insanity of the week commencing 9 November 2020.
Meet the Vascists
I can understand why someone might feel that all they want
for Christmas is their two front teeth, but I didn’t think I’d live to see the
day when all we’d want is a vaccine for a disease which is nearly always mild
and from which 99.9% make a full recovery.
The rushed vaccine is, we are assured, safe. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, has even reassured us that he has insisted his elderly mother have it.
Well good for him! But if vaccine pushers are so sure of themselves, why are many of them so quick to berate those of us who are either undecided or have decided we won’t be having it?
it works as well as you think, why would you be afraid to have us go into
schools, hospitals and other public spaces?
The vaccine has, unfortunately, been added to the obsessive acrobatics of social distancing in impractical situations and the donning of cloth face nappies as one of those things that the morally upright and virtuous of this world must do.
It doesn’t matter what evidence you must ignore, or what
lack of evidence you must overlook – good people do these things, and evil
people who don’t deserve our saintly NHS’s time and resources, do not.
The vaccine is probably safe. It has been carefully trialled
and gone through rigorous processes.
However, these have been dramatically accelerated because of the apparent urgency of the situation. It’s not unreasonable to be suspicious: either it has been rushed, or the normal process is too slow. Which is it?
Vaccine fascists (or ‘vascists’ as I believe we should call them, don’t want to allow a meaningful debate.
Their weapon of choice was abuse
and vitriol at anyone raising concerns, even before the Coronavirus pandemic.
In life it is generally wise to wonder why someone is afraid of questions and
argument if their case holds up to scrutiny.
Yet the notion that taking a vaccine is without risk is complete nonsense. We have been here before, just 11 years ago.
The introduction of the Pandemrix vaccine was similarly implemented in an accelerated way in order to combat the Swine Flu epidemic.
Manufacturers were indemnified by the government, should anything go wrong, just as they have been for the Covid-19 vaccine. Health workers were among the first to queue up for the vaccine, which was to be given to them and those in vulnerable groups, just as will be the case once again.
Yet it later emerged that there was a link between the
vaccine and the development of devastating narcolepsy. Read more about the
fight of affected NHS staff for compensation here,
and about the wider scandal here.
I would like to think that lessons have been learnt, and of course there’s no reason to assume the same thing will happen again. But public health is an arrogant discipline and the medical profession a profession severely lacking in humility.
one-sided debate and eagerness to rush through miracle jabs as though
civilisation depends on it, makes me think that lessons haven’t been learnt at
Everyone will have to decide for themselves if they will
take their chances or get a vaccine, but I will certainly not be first in the
Dear footballers, enough with the taking of the knee!
If taking the knee in grovelling submission to the Marxist anarchists of Black Lives Matter ever did do any good, it has long ceased to do so. Yet there they were again on Thursday night as England faced Ireland, once again on their knees.
Even Remembrance Weekend wasn’t spared, no longer reserved for
commemorating the fallen and wounded of war. When will this ever stop?
How well does the multi-billion football industry think it would do if BLM ever were to achieve its stated objective of dismantling capitalism? How does it think rich European clubs luring players from poorer parts of the world would go down?
As for me, I kneel only to my god and my queen. I don’t believe anyone, black or white, really wants to see this pathetic woke spectacle continuing any longer.
Stop taking the knee and start taking a stand!
Let’s keep important discussions about the problems in our society off the
football pitch.
Put up or shut up, Donald!
It seems that if you like Biden, he’s the winner; if you like Trump, he’s the winner.
The fury of Trump supporters is hard to fathom. Okay, they believe their man was stitched up, but why do they think it so terrible that Joe Biden is treated as the president elect until there is proof of wrongdoing?
It seems that in these people’s minds, one should assume fraud
until it has been proved that there was none. IT doesn’t work like that. Biden
is the winner, and Trump has to present some evidence or shut up and concede to
the inevitable. Let’s wait and see what happens.
It’s time we stop the obsession with tracking the virus – it’s no longer
Apparently we’ve all been naughty again and should expect lumps of coal from Santa this Christmas.
The doom merchant virus trackers of
Imperial College London now tell us that there was a spike
in cases at the end of October, thought to be the result of us all going
out to see each other in the period between the announcement of a second
lockdown and its commencement.
How do we know who went where, and whether they had good reason for doing so? If the inconvenience of house arrest for a month does require people to be out and about more in preparation for it, maybe we shouldn’t have done it in the first place!
Or perhaps we should have gone for a
lockdown without any warning, just like in India where there were chaotic
scenes as city workers stampeded onto public transport to get home in the mere
4 hours they were given.
And whilst we’re on a wish list of ifs and maybes, maybe we should only have reports on these studies when they have something useful to tell us.
Virus tracking has become a weird preoccupation. Whatever floats your
boat, I suppose, but until I need to worry, please leave me in peace!
Obama plays the race card
Former US President Barack Obama has written his memoirs, in
which he claims the election of Donald Trump in 2016 was a racist reaction.
In the upcoming book, he writes: “It was as if my very
presence in the White House had triggered a deep-seated panic, a sense that the
natural order had been disrupted. Which is exactly what Donald Trump understood
when he started peddling assertions that I had not been born in the United
States and was thus an illegitimate president.”
So there you have it: don’t vote Democrat and you’re a
racist! You disliked trump but disliked Hillary Clinton more? You’re also a
Perhaps Mr Obama could explain why this racist reaction didn’t happen in 2012 when he defeated Mitt Romney to win a second term in office.
Perhaps he could explain why Joe Biden has just won despite being the
right-hand man of the black president these bigots were apparently so keen to
get out!
I can draw only 2 conclusions: first, these Democrats are a
nasty, unrepentant bunch. Second, this memoir is one present I don’t want to
find in my Christmas stocking!
The cards are being shuffled at Downing Street, but they’re all jokers
Apparently, some fellow in charge of Boris Johnson’s communications by the name of Lee Cain has quit this week, followed in protest by the PM’s chief of staff Dominic Cummings. Most will remember him as the one who drove to a castle just to be sure he wasn’t going blind. Funny that Mr Cummings is going just when the reality of the catastrophic Brexit he was instrumental in orchestrating will start to bite.
Also, Boris’s girlfriend is said to be a bit miffed by the goings on at No. 10. I should probably be able to explain why better to you, my dear readers, but the rot starts at the top.
Whilst Johnson, Hancock and the
rest of the goons in government, backed by their cabal of incompetent scientific
experts continue to destroy the fabric of society, trash the economy and ruin
livelihoods, the shuffling of a deck solely comprised of jokers is of no
relevance whatsoever.
Diana was not a helpless victim
I do not have much interest, or a settled opinion, on the
disputed claims regarding the journalist Martin Bashir and what he did or didn’t
say/do to secure his famous bombshell interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.
What I do find unsettling and tedious is the constant portrayal of Diana as a helpless victim of crooked people, bounced into everything with no idea what she was doing and entirely at the instigation of people who didn’t have her best interests at heart.
We are talking about a woman in her mid-thirties, not a hapless teenager. Diana had the ability to think, question and critically assess the world around her.
Undoubtedly, she made some unwise decisions, but had she not died in tragic circumstances and the nation plunged itself in to a cesspit of frenzied soppiness, we would hold her responsible for those choices.
They say that death makes saints of us all. Nothing attests
to the truth of that more than the narrative of pure innocence that surrounds
Princess Diana.
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