Friday, 26 February 2021

In praise of waiting

Written for Linkedin: view the original here.


I had my first post-pandemic hospital appointment in London this week. I approached it with a sense of curiosity, having not seen either the inside of a hospital or indeed what has become of London on a busy weekday since Covid-19 reached our shores.

My enduring thought, once I had got home, was that the entire episode had been characterised by a total absence of waiting.

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Why I defend Bill Michael, no matter his privilege

Written for Linkedin: view the original here.


Bill Michael, the outgoing UK chair of KPMG, is probably not someone who many people would feel inspired to defend. He has quit his role after comments he made criticising staff for moaning about the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, and for a blistering attack on Unconscious Bias Training.

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Living Christian: responding to things our non-religious friends say


In this first article exploring the challenges of living our Christian faith today, I want to look at the things our non-religious friends say.