Friday 29 January 2016

Question Time review: buffoonery and the demeaning of tragedy

One can only hope that last night’s Question Time did not reflect the extent of debating skills in this country. IF it did, and it wasn’t just a classic lefty hijacking (as all episodes lately seem to be), God help our politics.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Britain can ban Donald Trump, but it can't ban the Trump effect

Is there anything more embarrassing than the British Parliament indulging the nonsensical idea of banning US presidential hopeful Donald Trump from entering the country because he said something we didn’t like about Muslims?

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Why should we save the NHS?

I have written before about striking doctors, and exactly what I think of the action they have taken. Though strikes were delayed and now taking place over January and February, my point remains. Hence I am not going to write another fully-referenced article, spelling out again what you can read for yourself if you want.
Instead, I want to ask a question. I want to ask this: why should we save the NHS?

Thursday 7 January 2016

I'm quitting my recreational drug use, and hope new guidance can help others manage theirs

So, we’re going to get some new guidelines from Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer. Shock of all shocks, they're widely expected to tell us that drinking isn’t good for us. Well wouldn’t you know! Nearly every choice we make involves a degree of robbing Peter to give to Paul – ask any smoker who banged on the weight when they tried to quit, or anyone walking around puffing and spluttering like lung cancer on legs insisting that smoking calms and relaxes them.